It's Must See Tee Vee, but you can't see it here. (Spent several mins. trying to embed the teaser for "Leaders w/ a Still of Ginni Thomas's Head & Shoulders" here earlier this a.m., but between TypePad & TheDC ...)
Not to pimp, but Blogger did embed it chez moi, & the good parts (0:34 & 2:40, if TheDC earns your click) are cued. The best part: Supreme Spouse Ginni Thomas has presented, under her name, techno thriller (guessing) author Brad Thor reciting Breitbart's anti-"hard institutional left" mantra, "Fuck you. War," in unison w/ the Ghost/a recording of/Zombie Andrew Breitbart. Un-bleeped, no NSFW. Free speech, moonbats!
(Of actual interest beyond the schadenfreude is the question of what we'll call the living digital dead who already walk among us, & can only increase. Bets on a Tupac-style Breitbart hologram screaming "Behave yourself! Stop raping people!" making an appearance at next yr.'s CPAC?)
Back to the absurd, where TheDC disclaims:
Mrs. Thomas does not necessarily support or endorse the products, services or positions promoted in any advertisement contained herein, and does not have control over or receive compensation from any advertiser.
Just giving it away, then?
— M. Bouffant
here's the vid -- Thers