I suggest you read this story. It is a charming tale of how ideologues can take control of a state government and inflict savage, brainless torture upon innocents.
Earlier that month, at home in Oklahoma City, the Davises were told that the boy she was carrying had a severe brain malformation known as holoprosencephaly. It is rare, though possible, for such a fetus to survive to birth, but doctors told them that he would not reach his first birthday. “He would never walk, lift his head,” Jessica, 23, recalled in an interview.
“I could let my son go on and suffer,” she said. Or she could accept a word she didn’t like – abortion - “and do the best thing for my baby.”
The Davises’ ordeal was always going to be painful. But the grim path that led them to a night in the car was determined, nearly every step of the way, by a state that has scrambled to be the most “pro-life” in the nation. There are no exceptions for families like the Davises.
One of the reasons I have always hated terms like "statism" is that only a fool, a sadist, or a libertarian (but I repeat myself) thinks that FREEDOM is achieved through some crude measurement of how much or how little "government" exists. Freedom is impossible without the state. And the state will always be with us anyhow; the question is, does the state safeguard or damage individual liberty? Because, witness the bitter cruelty of the state in regards to this particular story.
I am rather a cynical bastard, but I am absolutely sure that almost every American would sympathize with Jessica. And also, most of us would feel deeply uncomfortable about judging her decision. What a hell of a thing. The most elementary principle of freedom, as I see it, involves a profound, even reverential respect for this woman at this time.
Nobody can pay the full personal price for her choice, except her. Thus, everyone else, respect her choice.
Of course, absolute assholes like our old NewsBusters playmates are going to be absolute assholes...
Forget zombies, vampires, and the other assorted imaginary embodiments of evil. This Halloween the most sickening, skin-crawling, and frighteningly real evil you can come across is just a click away for you at MSNBC.com, where abortion-rights absolutist Irin Carmon presents abortion as an act of mercy for which an Oklahoma couple should be commended, not grieved, and for which they should not have been inconvienced in the first place by restrictive abortion laws.
In a gauzy piece meant to bash the pro-life conservatism of Oklahoma's abortion laws, Carmon highlighted the plight of Jessica and Erick Davis -- an Oklahoma couple with three children -- and their journey earlier this year to a Dallas, Texas, clinic to take the life of their fourth son, an unborn child diagnosed with a severe brain malformation. The Davises are apparently unrepentant about the decision and even excuse it as an act of mercy. Indeed, the Davises were offended that local funeral homes refused their request to bury the unborn child they had legally murdered -- but for whom they went to name on a death certificate...
Obviously no one wants any woman to be in a position where she learns her child has a severe developmental abnormality and may not live to see his first birthday. It's unimaginably heart-breaking. Yes, some compassion for the grief-stricken parents is called for, but ultimately, the Davises elected not merely to abort their child but to cast themselves as self-sacrificing and heroic for having done so. That decision is not commendable nor laudable. It's rather sad and ultimately sick. Rather than facing up to their evil and seeking divine redemption and forgiveness, they are clothing their actions as thoroughly righteous and merciful.
You sick, vicious, unkind, presumptuous fuck.
(Is further rebuttal necessary? No. It is not. Moreover, FUCK.)
I understand these hideous specimens from a scientific and sociological perspective; I cannot fathom them using any moral equipment I possess.
The state needs to have sufficient power to protect Jessica's liberty. You really want that assclown from NewsBustards having state power to impose his shit on you? Thank Christ we have some freedom still...
Or even better, thank whoever fights for our freedom. And that is not an imaginary person, nor is it the Tea Party.