Much has been written about the Todd Akin "legitimate rape" notagaffe. But as the old saying goes, "nobody has said the most asinine thing ever about any given topic until Dennis Prager bothers us with his horseshit."
Rep. Todd Akin has, unwittingly to be sure, harmed the pro-life movement, his senatorial race in Missouri, the Republican Party, and therefore quite possibly the nation.
"Quite possibly the nation!" How so, one axes?
While he should not have used the term "legitimate rape," he could have explained later that, given the expanded definitions of rape, not all claims of "rape" are truly rape. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry for Feminist Perspectives on Rape states, for example, that "we must recognize that, in some cases, 'yes' also means no ... The man may threaten to sue for custody of their children, to derail her green card application, to evict her, or simply to sulk and make her life miserable for days should she refuse to have sex. Which (if any) of such nonviolent coercive pressures should be regarded as rape, either morally or legally, is a matter of some controversy."
That would have largely ended the issue.
Indeed. Just who exactly occupies the moral high ground would have then been totally clear, Mr. Already-Kinda-Rapey.
The far greater problem was Congressman Akin's other comment: "From what I understand from doctors, [pregnancy is] really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."
As one wit put it about such a comment: that was worse than wrong, it was stupid.
The wit wasn't even wrong: it wasn't Googled.
Akin should say so.
And so should the pro-life movement.
Unless -- and this would be upsetting -- he, and the movement, don't think this comment was stupid.
Pregnancy from rape is rare because a "woman's body shuts down"?
Who told Akin this? And why would he believe it, even if some doctor did tell him this?
Here is my theory.
This is, of course, where The Fun Begins.
I have spent a good part of my life showing what an intellectual bubble the left lives in. That is why so many could believe that boys don't really prefer trains to tea sets or girls dolls to army soldiers. Those who believe such nonsense usually live in an intellectual bubble. They are raised by liberal parents, taught by left-wing teachers from high school through graduate school, watch left-wing MTV and news, listen to liberal NPR, go to movies produced by leftists, etc. Their whole world is left-wing. They don't watch, listen to, study under, or socialize with conservatives.
Bubbles tend to produce nonsense. When the only people you talk to, read, and socialize with agree with you, it is easy to abandon critical thinking.
And when you are morally right -- and those who argue for a right to life of unborn human beings (or human fetuses, if you prefer) are morally and even scientifically right -- a bubble can make critical thought even more difficult.
I wonder if that is not the case with Rep. Akin's comment.
Yeah, maybe.
Also maybe more liberals might want to "study under you" if you were more self-aware and less, well, rapey.
Or, say, if you more clearly "knew things."
Prager then goes on to explain how if he were at a dinner party with Akin he would have totally explained to him exactly how rape works, which might explain why fewer and fewer liberals invite him to dinner parties. ("I would have respectfully asked the congressman whether he was aware of the marauding armies throughout history that raped women. Did he assume that very few of them -- like the German women raped by Soviet soldiers at the end of World War II -- got pregnant? Did he not know how many raped slaves gave birth? Was he not aware of the tragedy of the women of Darfur who, after being raped by Sudanese Arab soldiers, are abandoned by their families for getting pregnant out-of-wedlock? Oooh, pass those yummy canapes.")
It's more than clear what Prager is up to, and why Establishment Wingnuttia wants Akin dead, his family burned to the ground.
It's because their Moral Clarity is pellucid like donkey dump.
To be blunt: Prager wants to outlaw abortion except in cases of Fair Rape, cases that he would adjudicate with, what, Rape Panels?
"Hello, ma'am. I am here to assess your rape claim. Please give me all the details, so I can correctly adjust the Slutometer."
Like, gracious, the harm to the nation if it were ever allowed to consider moral questions without heaping sweetening spoonfuls of far-right poopsyrup.