Well, fucknobble.
A lot of ink and other fluids have already been spilled over the reasons we now have to put up with this shite, but clearly it is mostly because I got busy with work and stopped updating. Whoopsie sorries all around.
I am not especially surprised at this outcome. Annoyed, sure. Aggrieved. Maybe a tad depressed! But not surprised. See, I've always firmly believed in American Exceptionalism, and here we have that particular concept pretty well frickin' crystallized. Other nations have been led by similar mean-spirited ignoramus angry sexist racist homophobic buffoons, but none of them so far have had the capacity to launch multiple nuclear missiles because someone called him a dickhead on Twitter. Yay us.
I could catalogue the other ways we're fucked, but you know these.
As to who on the Democratic side, or the Left, is to blame, I'm only going to say this once, and then we're going to just let it go.
It was your fault.
You fucker.
It was my fault.
Me fucker.
FUCK ME. This was our job, and whatever it is we tried to do, we fucked it up, even if most Americans broadly agree with us. This is not to say there weren't and aren't major structural obstacles. The Electoral College is a big one. Was this in YOUR top ten list for the last eight years? Wasn't on mine. Black voter suppression? I didn't do enough. The outrageous refusal to even consider a sitting president's Supreme Court nominee? I was kind of mum.
And when I say "we," and "me," I mean YOU TOO, fellow Online Left. And by that I mean my cohort, the community and ethos that was the nascent and then burgeoning and then strong Left Blogosphere during the last Idiot Interregnum. What the fuck happened to us?
Treat that as a Discussion Question for the comments: but here is a rule. The spirit of Whiskey Fire has always been "fuck you," but for this post, start with "fuck me."
If you call yourself a liberal, leftist, whatever -- start your comment with FUCK ME. Like I did, above. This is not about donning a goddamn hairshirt-- it's about what comes next. Feel free to give hell to someone else, but not until you've raised it on yourself.
If you are NOT a liberal, leftist, whatever, well, bite me. You idiots have just made the White House a dumpster; liars of Trump's caliber produce outcomes of Trump's caliber, namely, failure. The past is prelude, and Trump will leave behind a smoking crater and you'll be signing him checks you can't understand. So fuck off. But feel free to comment, who cares.