The US Government is set to release new nutiritional guidelines.
For years, the government has been issuing guidelines about healthy eating choices. Now, a panel that advises the Agriculture Department is ready to recommend that you be told not only what foods are better for your own health, but for the environment as well.
That means that when the latest version of the government's dietary guidelines comes out, it may push even harder than it has in recent years for people to choose more fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and other plant-based foods — at the expense of meat.
This is of course the White Bread of Liberal Fascism, and the dingaling rightawing responses are predicable, dumb, and predictaby dumb. Though the never not dim William Teach makes a piquantly asinine point:
Interestingly, the same people who want to control our meat and other foods intake are A-OK with legalizing marijuana. Speaking of marijuana, apparently many restaurants are having trouble with stoned people passing out from having too much THC beforehand, to the point of having to call medical professionals.
Surely you can see the connection! Wingnuttery means you don't need weed, apparently.
Anyway, it's amusing that while I get why beef producers are getting all screechy, dung beetles like Teach crawl on this poop for free.