The Irish government will put forward a law allowing homosexual couples to adopt children.
The Government has pledged that legislation providing for adoption by gay couples will be enacted before the referendum on same-sex marriage in May.
The pledge came in the wake of concern in both Coalition parties that the first television debate on the issue on Monday night had raised doubts about potential pitfalls in the campaign.
At their weekly Cabinet meeting, Ministers agreed to hold another special meeting today to finalise the wording of the Bill providing for the referendum on same-sex marriage.
As a student of 20th century Irish history and culture, I am thoroughly astounded. If I'd had to bet back in, say, 1990, which would come first, the 6 counties joining the Republic or the Republic legalizing gay marriage, I would not have put money on gay marriage.
Shows what I know!
I'll be following this issue; curious to see what Mr. Pope will or won't say about it.