God those fucking fish in those fucking barrels are such fucking assholes. Assmonkey:
Liberals Can’t Argue, They Can Only Bully [Updated]
Perhaps the major intellectual failing of the American Right is that they are so awesomely stupid they can't grasp how dumb they are. Hello, assmonkey!
No one expects sensible commentary on firearms from the New Yorker, but this gun control rant is worth noting because it is so typical of modern liberalism. Facts? Who needs facts? Bullying is all that the left aspires to.
The term "bullying" here is of interest. The issue here is a lawsuit brought by the parents of murdered children. Assmonkey is the bullied victim? A million fuck yous for you, John Hinderaker!
Assmonkey does some pointless snide fiskery for a bit -- of note is how assmonkey sneers at and then concedes the fact that gun manufacturers have special dopey laws protecting them -- but then we get this beautiful bit of horseshit:
A “weapon intended only to kill en masse” might be, say, an atomic bomb, certainly not a semiautomatic rifle.
Because the children at Sandy Hook were not killed "en masse." Because smug gun bang bang dicks like John Hinderaker are smug.
There's a lot of savage idiocy throughout the rest of assmonkey's post, but what else do you need but that? He's a nasty little halfwit shit, full stop.