The New York Times is not exactly the paper of upstate New York. Good Grief.
Shock in Southern Tier of New York as Hopes of Gambling and Fracking Both Die
We were also devastated by the failure of Albany to give us tax breaks, Business Incubator Status, and Enterprise Zones for our burgeoning Hooker and Meth Lab industrial initiatives.
I mean, Jesus fuck, nice splash picture. And what a story:
BINGHAMTON, N.Y. — To get a sense of the deep disappointment felt by many here at the twin killings of two potentially lucrative dreams, hydraulic fracturing and a new luxury casino, one needed to look no further than the front-page headline of Thursday’s edition of The Press & Sun-Bulletin.
It was two letters, in red type: “NO!”
That cry could seemingly be heard all along New York State’s Southern Tier, which borders Pennsylvania and has long been one of the state’s most stubborn economic laggards. In recent years, both hydraulic fracturing — known as fracking — and casinos had been posited as potential economic saviors here, where residents and leaders have watched with envy as neighboring Pennsylvanians dived into both industries.
Yeah, well, bite me.
Fracking has a lot of local support, sure, but saying that, the statement has to be deeply qualified. Roughly nobody here wants fracking done as it has happened in PA.
This is anecdata, but whatever. MollyI's family has roots in this area going back to the 1800s. The family has burial rights in a small, very rustic Catholic cemetary in far northern PA, about 5 miles south of the NY border. We had the sad occasion to bury MollyI's dad last year.
And -- to the point of this post -- this incredibly beautiful, remote, pristine cemetary -- was made totally horrific because of all the goddamn trucks.
For the Benefit of New Readers, my wife MollyI is a Country Mouse, and I am a City Mouse. We live in the country, near Binghamton. My mom is buried in a cemetary in the Bronx. That cemetary has things like fences and interior roadways, stuff that enables, like, quiet reflection.
While MollyI's dad was being buried, there was a lot of truck traffic, including a tanker that stopped on the side road with its engine running, very loudly.
Nobody in the family liked that. Everyone hated it.
So, yes, Broome County would be in favor of fracking. No, Broome County would not want the crazy shit that is easily observable a few miles south. The quality of life degradation issues are clear, and everyone here knows someone in PA who got screwed.
Also nobody here was dumb enough to think there were hordes of rich suckers wanting to come to Binghamton to go to casinos. Well, maybe one or two idiots. But those are always with us.
But it sure was nice for the NYT to send a reporter up here to talk to our dingaling fratboy meathead mayor and some random barflies. That at least was Authentic.