Here are some more pics from last week's visit to the Scioto Audubon Metro Park for eileeninmd's Saturday's Critter's #46.
These are Familiar Bluets:
I guess this is a Clouded Sulphur:
I've always walked to the Scioto Audubon from the east along Whittier Street, it's about 1.6 miles. Google maps told me I could get there by taking the Scioto Greenway trail from the north (1.7 miles). I figured I'd try that way to go back home.
So this is why there was a "Road Closed" sign blocking the trail a little ways back.
Nice view of the city over the rubble, though.
So now what do I do? I don't really want to walk all the way back via Whittier Street at this point. But I did see a path through the woods just before the fence with the "Road Closed" sign.
And it goes to the railroad tracks and back to civilization. Thanks, path-makers! And I'll make this another contribution to Carmi's Patterns post.
Posted by ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© and cross-posted at my place. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.