Oh, the gifts that Townhall gives us.
If You Don't Spank Your Kid, Jesus Certainly Will
Yep, that's the title.
It's an article by this person.
This article is every bit as fart-full of rainbow-lickin' lunacy as you'd expect.
Prominent egg-heads have opined ad nauseam on Adrian Peterson’s recent arrest on charges of child abuse.
The hyphen in "egg-heads" makes this sentence Art.
As usual, progressives have seized this opportunity to besmirch a time-honored and Biblical practice—corporal punishment. This shouldn’t surprise us, since progressives abhor the notion of personal responsibility. And, why not? The entire progressive edifice is built on the foundation of unbridled hedonism and man as his own chief deity.
Beg parsnips?
The whole frontage of the building that I am constructing is constructed atop horses that like to have a good time and can't be steered, and also I'm Captain God?
Fair enough.
It's all very ghastly, but this is a good bit:
Only love can impel a parent to punish a treasured child who careens toward the abyss. Corporal punishment may be the only action which imparts one of life’s most precious lessons, that the universe is rational and that immoral actions redound to destruction.
There is no monster more horrible than the one who beats the shit out of you and tells you it's "love."
It is known.
(Also, the English language: please be nicer to it. Thanks awfully.)