Farming out today's post to a prominent American of immense distinction and influence, speaking Deep Truths to the issues relevant American Cultural Morality in the 21st Century and what the Feminists are really all about. Very deep stuff crucial to a proper perspective on today's Holly Lobby/contraception/feminism/immigration bother.
The speaker's identity is revealed in the first comment, but try to figure out who it is all on your own. No cheating! Cheating is even more immoraler than birth control, you no doubt disease-ridden immigrant swine.
THROUGHOUT the nation there is growing concern as to whether or not our moral fiber is permanently threatened. This is an hour of moral laxity, but the concern is largely for what the example of our present day morals will mean to the young people who will be the men and women of tomorrow. Such concern is, of course, natural. The young person may be said to have moral balance when he or she has developed a controlling sense of what is right and wrong. However, this distinguishing sense cannot come except with training, and this training must be largely through precept and example....
There is a growing group of radical feminists, women who are openly antagonistic to men and "man-made" laws and conventions. As yet these women are very much in the minority, but they are shrewd, and one finds them writing insidious and widely read books on the freedom of the modern woman, and advocating even greater sex freedom. If these radical women were to head a separate party and become a real power in women's councils, they would, without a doubt, openly advocate and endeavor to propagate a "single standard"; meaning the standard of moral laxity commonly attributed to men. In the Scandanavian countries there are laws legitimizing the child born out of wedlock. Such laws practically advance the theory that women need not marry, or that once married, she is free to love as she may wish, and legitimately bring promiscuous children into the world. What such laws would mean to the morals of tomorrow, can be readily understood. They would not only undermine our entire religious belief, but they would break up that unit upon which nations are built -- the home....
One of the ailments of the country is racial indigestion. There has been a great influx of immigration in the past ten years, but we have never made the proper effort to use the melting-pot and instill in these immigrants true American ideals. People in great numbers have come from countries where moral laxness is notorious, and if they are not curbed and informed, their habits and practices must undoubtedly gradually lower the average of our standards of decency....
Every word a golden sermon.