Sure, Jengahzi. What the world needs now is Governor Goodhair.
Jan. 12, 2006
The governor of Texas is despicable. Of all the crass pandering, of all the gross political kowtowing to ignorance, we haven't seen anything this rank from Gov. Goodhair since … gee, last fall.
Then he was trying to draw attention away from his spectacular failure on public schools by convincing Texans that gay marriage was a horrible threat to us all. Now he's trying to disguise the fact that the schools are in free-fall by proposing that we teach creationism in biology classes.
- Molly Ivins
May Fred Hiatt be infested by the fleas of a thousand camels for hiring this whackjob. Jenghazi's approach to any politician is simple: Is this person more or less likely to get America to bomb the Likud's enemies? By October of 2011, she'd become convinced that Mitt Romney was the man, so she relentlessly attacked Rick Perry. The GOP bench is looking thin for 2016, so now she's warming up to him.
I have a theory that Brian Kilmeade's purpose on "FAUX and Fiends" is to make Steve Doocy seem slightly less moronic by comparison. I suppose Rubin serves the same function at the WaPo for Fred Hiatt and Jackson Diehl.
P.S. Relief from the hackitude:
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