John Hawkins of Townhall and Right Wing News is wormy, sweaty, and gross, even by the lax standards of Greater Wingnuttia. Glancing at any of his moronic listicles is the intellectual equivalent of nibbling at a Cheez Doodle stuffed with hot fresh maggots.
Ordinarily we ignore him, but this is transcendently dopey in an old-school way. It's like burping up a sausage stuffed with Kim du Toit. Title:
5 Ways America Is Creating a Generation of Wimps
YES. Bring the crazy!
It opens auspiciously:
Americans rode in wagon trains across this country, tossed the Brits’ tea in the Boston Harbor, outfought the superpower of the 18th century to get our freedom, pounded the Indians, Mexicans, and Spanish into the ground to fulfill our Manifest Destiny and then for an encore, we saved the planet in WWI, WWII, and the Cold War.
The contempt for chronology here is remarkable, though not as conspicuous as how the whole thing is a giant middle finger intended to communicate that anyone who knows anything at all about history besides AMERICA ROCKS is at least half a fag. The Indian and Mexican-smashing stuff is obvious "real racist" clickbait, and the claims about the WWs are at best puzzling; what I enjoy the most though is the phrase "in the Boston Harbor." THE Boston Harbor. Not just ANY Boston Harbor. This is work of someone completely not giving a shit.
Further shits not given:
Our pioneer-pilgrim, hard-fighting, gold-mining, wagon-training, gun-fighting ancestors were so hard, Kid Rock's American Bad Ass should have played when they walked into a room. We conquered a continent, built the Hoover Dam, went to the moon, and not only did our Olympic athletes refuse to dip our flag to Hitler during the 1936 Olympics, we made the most evil man who ever lived kill himself in fear before we could get to him.
We? My ancestors never trained wagons to do anything in particular, for openers. But I did have a great-uncle who liked to punch pistols, so I guess he was "gun-fighting." And maybe "we" did "conquer a continent," except for possibly Canada... wait, are black people even "we" Americans? Were they the reason we have to share the continent with the Canucks? Whatever could have preoccupied them in the 19th century that they didn't help us grab the whole continent? Weird!
This is all insane.
"We" didn't dip the flag because "we" thought "we" included, you know, Jews. Because "we" didn't. Also, Hitler was scared shitless by the Soviets, not us. The Hoover Dam, going to the moon? BIG GOVERNMENT, BABY.
And anyone who finds affirmation of their badassery in the music of Kid Rock is, by definition, not a badass.
The rest of the piece is similar yahoo jingo gibberish, summed up in this gem:
How did the toughest, most independent society since Sparta turn into a wuss factory full of people who've never had an adventure in their life outside of a video game?
All Hawkins knows about "Sparta" is from unwatchable but popular cinematic fascism.
And we'd all enjoy hearing about John Hawkins's "adventures." I would, certainly. (Not even a need for a joke here. Sometimes, the premise suffices.)
The point, though, is not the overwhelming idiocy, but that Hawkins is completely correct that there is a market for this batty shite. One of his commenters:
SINCE WE HAVE TRANNIES IN THE MILITARY..PUTIN is BUILDING BASES IN SOUTH AMERICA!! we can't have this in the military.(He is doing it because he isn't afraid of OBAMA, this didn't happen under Bush)
The early American revolution had this problem,,, and kicked them out, or they wouldn't have won the War for Independence
America cannot survive right-wing conservatism. Which is to say, America cannot survive. Find the stray apostrophe in Hawkins' Townhall bio: that apostrophe is like a dagger of frozen pee in Madison's eye.