Just had a brilliant idea: Why not make November 22nd* American Firearms Day? We can each take a few moments to remember the Freedom & Liberty brought to this country by armed crazies wandering the streets while we gloss over the millions murdered, dead or permanently damaged because people like you are trusted w/ firearms in these United Snakes & to remind us all that were it not for guns, we wouldn't need guns!!
Although, in all fairness, to be balanced & objective, no skin off our teeth, so whatevs:
I remember when I was five
We were sittin' in school when the teacher cried
She told everybody that the President died
But that didn't bother me 'cause I was still alive!
Cobbled together from ranted droolings chez moi & a Twit.
Hey Patriots: Let's make 22 Nov. American Firearms Day, to celebrate the Freedom & Liberty guns have brought America. No? How about June 6?
— M. Bouffant (@MBouffant) November 22, 2013
*April 14th? Wait, use this list.