Talked to a student today during office time to go over some work. In saying "see you next class" I notice the student has an Ace bandage tightly wrapped around the forearm, wrist, and hand. I ask what happened, are you OK, and so forth.
The student explains that while working as a cook in a local chain restaurant, another worker said, boss says we need to move this fryer. In the process the fryer is dropped on the student's arm, causing intense pain. The next day the student goes to the doctor. I don't know the student's insurance situation, but I'd bet in college, working parents covers it.
Anyway, the student tells me, "I had to make the doctor not give me an x-ray, because I can't afford to miss any work -- if I show up in a cast I'll lose my job. And I need my job to keep going to school."
I kindly advised the kid to get back to the doctor and get the x-ray as Number One, because an untreated bone break is a Bad Thing. I also remarked that many people who are hurt through no fault of their own at work may be entitled to compensation.
I believe the kid is telling the truth; the kid did the assigned work for my course, and I typically only get lied to for the purposes of excuses for not doing the assigned work.
What a mess. The kid is so terrified about losing a horrible low-paying job that the kid refuses basic medical treatment, risking making a simple injury into a possible lifelong disaster. For a fry cook gig.
This is a kid who comes from the middle class. This is a kid whose kids will not be middle class, because that's not a thing anymore.
Why do I say that?
Because we're fucked if we live in a land where if you're even relatively priviliged enough to be able to go to a doctor at all, you'll refuse treatment because you're scared that an obviously negligent minimum-wage employer will fire you.
I teach at a community college. My students are all terrified. They are not dumb.
(This is a true story; details of course changed to protect student anonymity.)