Apparently Thers' no slapping policy is not being followed by some political elements.
Stolen from Raw Story.
Speaking of "Ha ha, it's O.K., just fantasy cartoon violence, ha ha," note the level of outrage demonstrated by Noel Sheppard here (Also note Noel's "See Dick run. Dick runs fast. Dick likes short declarative sentences. Dick is a bit slow," style. He knows his readersaudience.):
These pictures were taken at the Otsego County Fair in Morris, New York.
Morris, a town of 1,878 people, is about 90 miles west of Albany.
For those unfamiliar with upstate New York, it is far more conservative than the perilously liberal New York City.
Readers may be aware that this isn't the first time Obama's likeness has been disgracefully used this way.
Three years ago, a carnival in Roseto, Pennsylvania, had a game where constestants [Freudian sic?] shot darts at an image of a suited black man holding a healthcare bill and wearing a presidential seal.
After some complaints, the exhibit was changed to a pirate theme.
Alright, he typed "disgracefully" once (as well as "perilously liberal New York City") but his real function is providing space for commenters to work out their individual issues. And issues they have:
How'd he guess?Uh-oh. Here come the "racist" shouts. And 5, 4, 3, ...
Couldn't work "party-pooping prick" in? Or "nappy-headed?" Try harder!You could also use his photo to line a bird cage, or put down on the floor to potty train a puppy..............I've heard of Obama toilet paper (I think Dave might have some), but I wouldn't disrespect my own arse by getting a likeness of the purple-lipped petulant punk near it!!!!
*No slappers, either!
M. Bouffant