I don't remotely care who moderates the next round of GOP debates, which are currently scheduled to be held in the early Jurassic. But this amuses:
Last election, there were “too many debates moderated by too many people who wanted to make the Republican Party look bad,” Lowry said.
Last election, there was every candidate making the Republican Party look bad.
Which makes me think of this:
One guy I was talking to, who was from one of these right wing think tanks was saying we need to curb Obama’s reckless power with these administrative regulations, and he wanted a federal constitutional amendment saying Congress has to approve federal regulations. I said, I don’t think most people are going to want to amend the Constitution for that. I don’t think that ignites people. Maybe it does on the far right, but most people don’t really care about that. And he said, “Oh, well, you really don’t need people to do this. You just need control over the legislature and you need money, and we have both.”
Well, kinda.
Amending the Constitution is more or less impossible nowadays, I should think.
But... so?
Who is and who isn't President is not really the point for the Conservative Movement: taking over everything they can, is.
The GOP will have serious problems with winning national elections from here on in, but who cares? We'll still be debt slaves and we'll still have stupid wars.