The Internet Right believes that they Know Things, which is amusing, yet troubling.
Here is a comical emanation from Freedom Works, for instance. The barely sentient chimpanzee who was paid in syphilis to produce it believes that he has Done a Number on the Left because on the occasion of the first Earth Day in 1970, a lot of people said "we're fucked if we don't do anything."
And then the Federal Government created the EPA, and in lots of easily measurable ways it worked, and so the bad things predicted in 1970 about what would happen if nothing were done... turned out to be broadly accurate, because something was done!
Hooray for democratic government! The river in your city is unlikely to ignite; that is a Win for Freedom from Combustible Rivers.
But there are always gigs open for revisionist history, as this Townhall monkey demonstrates in his desperate, screechy plea for MOAR BANANAS. Best part!
What is true, I venture, is that our national trip into the vortex of the Iraqi-Afghan-Muslim-terror-war whirlpool was predestined under existing circumstances -- an aspect of fate; postponable, maybe, but unavoidable.
Such was always the dolorous fate of the Ty-D-Bowl Commander-in-Chief-Man, I guess.
As to why exactly these people write like Bulwer-Lytton just ate six cans of beans, who can say, but light a match under them, I dare you. Or inquire about who generally you can count on for a fancy prose style?
Other Dexter-class geniuses inform us that it is totally stupid and perhaps gay but anyway LIEBERAL to at all wonder if the older Boston bomber might have gone crazy, at least partially, because he got hit on the head a lot.
Here is the Snappy Riposte of Jim Treacher, who if he has not been hit on the head a lot, is devoid of excuses for talking:
As for Tamerlan’s little brother? That wuss doesn’t look like he could beat up Honey Boo Boo. Although he’s almost as good as her at driving a car.
Honey Boo Boo! Wuss! Honey Boo Boo! These are jokes! AIRPLANE FOOD IS NOT VERY GOOD!
The little brother was a wrestler; "Jim Treacher" is someone who exists on the Internet. Let the utterly pointless asinine cock-measuring begin!
"Treacher" wants us to know that it is absurd to think that one of the reasons the older brother started to go crazy might be brain damage, because the Obvious Answer is Islam. This is because almost every Muslim plants bombs and shoots cops, while every multiple concussion sufferer hugs kittens.
Which is not to say that the concussion theory is all-explanatory! It obviously isn't! Yes, crazy far-right Islamism exists! (Al Qaeda is obviously far-right, conservative-fascism. Radical Islam is dangerous, like the NRO Fifth Column.)
But is "Islam!" an even worse explanation?
Let's ask Katie!
Guns, guns, guns. Love, love, love. America needs guns and love.
Now we have made progress.