Townhall dot com has a section of their site devoted to Humorous Political Cartoons. Maybe you didn't know that. Now you know that. You're welcome.
These cartoons fascinate in that the artwork itself is often quite commendable, but the jokes are... inscrutable, would be the kindest term.
For example:
I think I sort of get what the artist was shooting for here, but that's only because I pay attention to crazy far-right discourse.
If you're not into that, this is just fucking weird, and oddly sloppy -- the Count is about counting, not about "today's word," which isn't even a Sesame Street thing -- they do letters.
Which I don't think is nitpicking. Smart cartooning gets the culture right. That is because people who want to tell jokes well bother to understand, uh, consensus reality.
I mean, I'm sure there are Sea Org Comedy Clubs where you can get up and rip on Zenu for an hour or so, and kill, but anywhere else, oh lordy.
The "dog in every pot" gag: Christ, really?
Apparently so.
Holy smokes.