We have not done this in a while, but what the hey --
Here is a Battle. In the one corner is Southern-fried coprolite Charlie Daniels. In the other corner is horrible tedious ponderous soul-killing droning phartlanx-fighter Victor Donald Hanson.
Whose column is more bullshit! What fun!
I have to say, I far prefer Daniels. He kind of admits up front that he's an idiot:
I operate by some principals I call cowboy logic. To give you a smattering of the philosophy of cowboy logic in a thumbnail sketch, I usually list these three examples:
1) 2 + 2 is always 4
2) Water never runs uphill
3) If there's smoke, there's a fire somewhere.
Yes, in a cut to the chase, common sense sort of way.
He's gleefully ignorant, and gleefully munches on the English language as zestfully as he sucks the meat from the bones of the riblets he marinades all weekend long, snug beneath his hairy tits.
And it gets better:
No matter how much the sycophants in the media and the partial pundits tell us that the debt doesn't matter and that the economy is making a recovery, 2 + 2 is still 4, and the numbers just don't add up.
Precisely zero media sycophants are saying that "the deficit doesn't matter."
That the deficit actually doesn't matter right now is precisely true...
However you would be hard-pressed to disagree with Mr. Daniels on this point:
There are so many variables, it boggles the mind - wheels within wheels, interdependent pieces of the fragile infrastructure each a domino with the ability to start a chain reaction capable of taking the economy off a cliff.
Some metaphors are mixed. Some metaphors are drunk and fucking their cousin.
And then we have Victor Diggles Hanson:
Given a choice between gay marriage, legalization of pot, and the banning of so-called assault rifles on the one hand, and, on the other, a good job with lower taxes, most young people will quietly prefer the latter. For that reason, conservatives should not outbid liberals to appear cool to new voters, but simply explain that a fair economy for all generations is no longer on the liberal agenda.
Yeah, as soon as the kids bask in the Austerity Joy for a few years, they'll feel like total dumbshits for liking Girls.
And also it's because climate studies (!) and gender studies (!) are LAVISHLY FUNDED that Higher Education is in Trouble.
University tuition has soared well beyond the rate of inflation, increases brought about by an inexcusable surge in administrative staffs, the reduction in teaching loads over the last few decades, the costs of subsidizing overly specialized and esoteric research, all sorts of costly new race/class/gender explorations, and a general expansion of non-teaching support staffs.
Good Lord, no. There are lavishly funded gender studies programs that are not outliers? Golly.
Tuition has gone up because government funding has gone down. Loan rates are horrible because Congress is full of paid-for hacks.