Eschaton's WANKER OF THE DECADE - 1st Runner Up shows how it's done. Again.
Posted by ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© and cross-posted at my place. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
But his ambivalence about making a commitment to Afghanistan was evident in the long and tortured decision-making process that led to the surge and the deadline for withdrawal that accompanied his escalation. And the Afghan decision was followed by a retreat from Iraq and near-total passivity as fighting engulfed Syria, with 60,000 people killed so far.Darn President Obama for not getting us into (even) more wars, and expanding (further) the ones we're already graced with!
Those who argue for a more vigorous international role are sometimes caricatured as war-loving and unilateralist when, in fact, an activist stance has been favored by Democrats from Harry Truman to Madeleine Albright and Republicans from Richard Nixon to Colin Powell. It would be no fairer to label them all bellicose neocons than to call Obama a pure isolationist.Some people say neocons are chickenhawks and war profiteers, but it's all so quiet when the goldfish die.
Thanks in large part to its openness to immigrants, the United States is far less demographically challenged than many countries in Europe and East Asia, where aging populations will impede innovation and initiative. What’s in doubt in the United States is the political will to solve its fiscal problem, not whether the problem is manageable. Given the strength of the U.S. economy, posting 20,000 or 30,000 troops in Afghanistan even indefinitely would pose no challenge.On the other hand, on most days ending in a "y", Fred Hiatt or one of his staff wankers will write about our searing need to cut Social Security right now.
When America last turned its back on Afghanistan, two decades ago, civil war followed, with al-Qaeda close behind. Clinton responded with cruise missile attacks, the 1990s’ equivalent of drone strikes. America learned on 9/11 how inadequate that response had been.Awesome. Not a single mention of Bush and Cheney, the people who ignored warnings about 9/11, invaded Afghanistan on October 7 of that same year, and then forgot the whole thing just two months later. In order to pursue a war they'd been hoping for since their inauguration...a war that Fred Hiatt helped them sell.
Posted by ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© and cross-posted at my place. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.