Wow, there is some sort bizarre story circulating about the Notre Dame football program. It involves an incredible, unbelievable hoax.
Apparently a lot of people were led to believe that Notre Dame belonged in the national championship game, but that turned out to be bullshit.
And then there is this also too, which is strange, but not as strange as the "deserved to be in the national championship" stuff.
MAS. Jonathan Chait sez
Deadspin has an unbelievable report that the girlfriend is a hoax — she never existed, in any form. She was created either as part of a publicity stunt or, as Te’o claims and Notre Dame maintains, by hoaxsters duping Te’o. (The latter scenario, requiring the concoction of a full-blown relationship with a nonexistent woman, would be, to say the least, extremely hard to pull off.)
A "full-blown relationship with a nonexistent woman" is in many respects as it happens the official Catholic Ideal. Trust me on this, I went to a Jesuit high school, and that's pretty much what they recommended for those of us without a calling.
MUCHO MAS. Annnnd.... Erick Erickson ruins everyone's fun.
Fucking asshole.
MUCH MUCH MAS. The Red State joke attempts continue.
It's like watching someone try to tell the Funniest Joke in the World phonetically. Some bright young comedy troupe ought to attempt a whimsical sketch with exactly that premise. Comedy will then very probably occur.