I stopped making fun of Doug Giles, jeez, maybe ten years ago, for reasons of sportsmanship. Giles has this shtick where he talks like Pat Robertson doing Dennis Miller, after both have been clobbered with a sackful of bowling balls.
Giles is simply so abysmally stupid, there is not much point in even bothering.
However. This absorbs me strangely, because I am as it happens eager to learn why precisely I dislike Christmas.
The Real Root of Atheists' Anti-Christmas Rage
Do tell.
Why do some atheists embarrass themselves year after year trying to eradicate Christmas from American culture? Why do they make themselves societal hemorrhoids during this hallowed season? Is it because they are crusaders for equality, secularism’s saviors and humanism’s heroes? I’m sure that’s what they tell themselves when they’re pouting on their couches all alone on Christmas Eve after every single one of their friends has dumped them for being a rabid jackass.
There are appoximately zero atheists trying to eradicate Christmas from American culture. Given the holiday's traditional association with booze, that would be absurd.
I believe, however—and I could be wrong—that the reason some rage against the machine is that they hate God and love their sin, and bringing up Jesus in December is not the way they wanted to finish off the year. Indeed, Christ really rains on their parade … and they love their parade.
I would enjoy the Christ Rain as a finale for the Atheist Parade. Honestly.
Christmas, if you really get down to the brass tacks of it, isn’t about reindeer, elves, iPhones or Lindsay Lohan punching a gypsy, but about mankind’s sin problem and what God did to remedy it by sending His Son.
Doug Giles has told a joke. You know it is a joke because he mentions iPhones and Lindsay Lohan, which exist in Pop Culture. Hence, Doug Giles has told a joke.
I know the chief facet most people focus on regarding Christ’s birth has been the peace on earth and good will toward men stuff, but if you dig around in the gospels a tad you’ll quickly see that the “peace on earth” thing is an ancillary perk to the main reason the second person of the godhead donned an earth suit and decided to hang out with us dunderheads. The core cause that necessitated Jesus’ incarnation was our jacked up carnality. Yep, Hambone, it was our sin. There, I said it. Sin. Yours, mine and ours.
Perhaps an omnipotent deity could produce a more embarrassing paragraph than the foregoing. Perhaps a just one could have savagely afflicted Giles with some amusing plague before he could make his thoughts public.
There is no God.
Indeed, many atheists are up front about it and don’t want to leave their wantonness.
Call me goofy
While most atheists this Christmas will be drinking to forget, I will, as Martin Luther said, drink to remember the One who was and is and is to come.
Heh, you're a Protestant. At least I rejected a real bullshit religion.
MAS. As it happens, I'm not an atheist. I'm not a believer, either. Or an agnostic. I just don't care.
God bores me.