This is pretty funny.
Erick the Son of Erick was recently approached as a potential Senator-candidate for Georgia, because he is a mouth-breathing shithead, and Sherman didn't burn that state sufficiently, god fucking dammit.
But in a blow against comedy, the Son of Erick has withdrawn his name!
As to his specific reasons for refusing, who gives a shit. It's his consolation that entertains:
I’m meant to be on the outside helping. I am more useful to the ideas I believe in and the cause I love being where I am. I have a television presence, a well listened to radio show on the largest talk radio station in the nation, and RedState itself.
So you, Erick son of Erick, have figured out how to Get Paid.
Now, what's comical here, is Erick son of Erick's recently discovered jihad against insider GOP hacks who are getting rich off fleecing rubes.
Scroll down to the bottom of any Red State post and find the word "Regnery."
"Conservatism" is nowadays no more, but much less, than a scam.
Erick seems to believe that he is a sweat-of-the-brow Hard Worker and not at all like the Scammers the GOP listened to to their sorrow....
The Modern GOP decided to make Erick Erickson rich and influential, and he is an utter moron.
I mean, what else is there to say?