Due to my husband's new work schedule he is often home at odd times during the day, affording him the opportunity to watch daytime TV. Since I usually have MSNBC on, he is now aware of the mostly silly but very occasionally interesting "The Cycle." Unfortunately, the show has piqued his interest, and not in a good way, forcing me to having a version of this conversation--I crap you not--at least 3 times: Husband: (In reference to S.E. Cupp) Who the hell is this?
Me: S.E. Cupp.
Husband: She's a moron.
Me: I know.
Husband: Why is she on this show?
Me: Because she's young, attractive and conservative.
Husband: What are her credentials?
Me: Um, I'm not sure. She has this shtick where she's, like, the conservative atheist who hates other atheists.
Husband: *Leaves room looking like he smelled a fart.*
Yer killin' me, MSNBC. Listen, I get that you want your daytime programming to be filled with attractive young folks. And I'm mostly on-board with that. Hell, I voted for Krystal Ball, who while her parents clearly intended for to get a job cavorting around a pole and collecting singles in her g-string, is actually an intelligent, competent liberal voice. Surely you coulda done better than Sippy if you HAD to have a conservative on "The Cycle." Then again, if you're really committed to Sippy, you could always rename the show "The Tricycle."