It is easy to forget that Our Right-Wing Friends are so very exceedingly butch.
Fortunately, they feel compelled to incessantly remind us that they are, indeed, butch.
Otherwise, we might just forget and start to consider them feeble nincompoops.
It’s not much consolation, but the Norway mass murderer (whose name, like the names the Sikh temple shooter or Gabby Giffords’s shooter or the Batman shooter, should be repeated as little as possible, since public exposure is what they crave) will likely spend the rest of his life in prison, since Norway apparently has “preventive detention” after a sentence has been completed. Though, of course, “the rest of his life” should last only until the authorities finish preparing the gas chamber or the gallows....
The absurd sentence did not stem from the fact that Norway “evaluate[s] its own immigrant children’s lost lives as being worth so very, very little.” Rather, Norway, like the rest of the developed world, has become so decadent that it can no longer take the vigorous measures any society needs to defend itself. A self-confident society that wasn’t apologizing for its ancestors and guilty about it success would, in an orderly, law-based fashion, put this fiend to death. He’s laughing all the way to the jailhouse.
Smell the balls.
Anyhow, so right. There is a persuasive reason why Norway experiences horrific, insane episodes of mass killing only once every third generation, why we here in the USA are masculine enough to deal with mass shootings fucking weekly: they are decadent, we are butch.
We shoot, we score!
Likewise, Our Butchest State, Texas, has been so damn successful in emphasizing to any crazy murderous bastard that if they even dare to do any crazy murders in Texas, Texas will murder them. That is why Texas has only used the death penalty once -- after that, the crooks were all a-scairt!