The business of Michelle Malkin's "Twitchy" is Flying Monkey Business. Say something on Twitter that offends the Screechy Schmuck of the Right, and a half-thousand semiliterates are dispatched to howl angry nonsense at you like you were the Swiper who swiped their bananas.
Ellen Barkin is totally right to devoutly wish via a retweet that a storm:
Wash every pro-life, anti-education, anti-woman, xenophobic, gay-bashing, racist SOB right into the ocean!
Even if she didn't say so, exactly, it were no crime to wish so.
No, she doesn't want anyone dead.
She wants to say FUCK YOU.
She should.
For it is just and right to say FUCK YOU YOU BIGOTS.
Fairly considered... fuckers have it coming.
Pretty rough luck for the fish, taken literally, but you can't have everything.
The quote is a retweet: and it counts as a bird-flip.
Flipping the bird is goddamn American. And the Twitchy flying monkery is point-scoring civility-wanking, which is a term I am amazed to discover I didn't invent eight years ago, but which strikes me as analytically useful....
Anti-choice, anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-teacher, anti-immigrant fuckers are fuckers. If they want to have a More Civil Dialogue, they are free to ask nicely for one. They have my email address. More to the point, they can stop race gender gay red-baiting annnytime it stops working for them at the ballot box.
So let's beat them at the ballot box.
And let's also tell them to fuck off.
And let's not apologize to the little shits for hurting the nasty little pretend feelings they fake having for Point-Scoring Purposes.
Fuck you, Michelle Malkin, you malevolent shitkicking dinglefraud pissnose ass-twerp hatemonger bigot.
(Ellen Barkin has long been one of my Hollywood crushes. Full disclosure, I guess. MollyI can do this look too, when she wants to.
A smart proud imperfect woman with a "fuck you" glint, a sense of humor, and a sense of herself. Hot.)
Oh and levity.