When Rush Limbaugh went slightly more nuts than usual and relentlessly called a woman who said something he disagreed with a "slut" and a "prostitute," making up a metric cystload of lies in the process, it's totally obvious who the True Victim Was:
Kathryn Jean Lopez makes this point with seriousness and care (TM).
I am a woman and I’m offended.
I am offended that, once again, parties in positions of power have decided to pretend that all women are cut from the same political cloth.
Alliteration and a dead metaphor! This must be serious!
This is my favorite bit:
Liberal Democratic women ask, “Where are the women?” — ignoring women who have publicly opposed the coercive mandate in hearings and letters and protests of various sorts. And, just for the record, there is yet another answer to their question: Women are in the pope’s prayers.
Well, dandy. So there you are, girls! Pope prayers!
The basic fact of the matter is that we're all more free if our employer doesn't get to make our healthcare decisions for us. You get paid, you get insurance, it's yours. Your employer doesn't get to decide how you spend your paycheck, your employer doesn't get a say in how you fuck. It doesn't get much closer to first principles than that, no matter what pope is praying for what.
And how are men the victims...? This is a bit of a puzzlement.
And I am deeply offended by what is being said about men. A few good men have stuck their necks out lately in defense of religious freedom in America, and they deserve to be thanked and defended as they counter a dedicated campaign of dishonesty, hysteria, and raw bigotry.
These Laucelots sure are to be praised in their passionate defense of an Eternal Sacred Principle of Liberty that was only widely discovered last month, but still. St. Sebastian was a total weenie next to poor St. Rush. Or something.
It falls to even crazier others to explain the Male Victimization Angle, which is often obscure...
Oh, hello there, Doctor Helen.
But while talking is good, action is better. What men don’t understand is that this is a cultural war and it is being waged by women and their “Uncle Tims” in government and elsewhere against the average American male. Men have a hard time fighting back because they cannot psychologically go against the women they have been taught to protect, but that is changing and it should.
Good Lord! I am a perfectly average American male! I have always thought of myself as such! But now I am a slave of the sort Harriet Beecher Stowe, that... bitch (?) fought to free, if I were black, which I'm not, and used to be a slave, which I wasn't... FUCK this metaphor is getting kind of embarrassing... is the Average American Male meant to sound so whiny? Apparently so.
Because here is a very peculiar rant intended to describe why Men Are the Real Victims. Both Perfessers endorse it, so you know it is... that.
Well, here we go.
I normally don’t post politics here.* There’s always a first time for everything. And the everything right now is the fact that half of my field would rather commit suicide than actually think. Particularly when thinking involves not repeating slogans that are pushed at them from above with the implication that “all the coolest kids think this way.”
Again, blame it on us being misfits, and misfits’ own misfits besides. We’d do anything to fit in. Well, most of us. I still prefer to stand by the side of the road holding both middle fingers up.
OK. You're fifteen years old, then?
On my Facebook page I echoed a friend’s post of a Heinlein poster with a quote about how forcing a man to pay for a service he doesn’t want “for his own good” is the greatest tyranny.
So, yeah. "On my Facebook page I echoed a Heinlein quote."
And that is why it has been scientifically proven, by science, that Men are Oppressed.
(Pretending to not understand how insurance works is the new anti-misandry. Or something.)
(Also the quote is just dopey. There are worse tyrannies, many of which involve getting shot. Besides that, the "service" being enforced on women in many states of having to undergo unnecessary invasive medical procedures would seem to be clear instances of tyranny, by this definition, were our national polity not nuts.)