I seem to recall for years being Solemnly Cautioned by Serious Thinkers to avoid maliciously maligning the True Motives of Sincere Heartland Pro-Life Activists.
Why, it would be shocking and irresponsible and counterproductive to even insinuate that the anti-abortion Right was in fact all about misogyny, deep down and at heart at the heel of the hunt.
Pro-Lifery was all based on Profoundly Held Values, not girl-hate to do with girls having the sexy sex. Gosh no.
This GOP primary has been all kinds of horrible useless, but the very least, it has for now and forever proven, indisputably, fuck that noise.
LIMBAUGH: What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke [sic] who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex. What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She’s having so much sex she can’t afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex.
This is not to say that William Saletan won't be able to triple-Lutz some sort of head-ass contortion to deny the obvious at some future date. It's just to say that misogyny has now been brutally outed as one of the cardinal Family Values, and that toothpaste just ain't going back in that tube.
MAS. And then... Enter the Stupid!
Good grief.
1. Condoms are not the pill.
2. You can't make "taxpayers" pay for contraception, because there are government programs to distribute condoms?
3. Oy:
Women can visit centers in Harlem and the Bronx to arrange for their contraception — including more permanent methods such as the ring, the patch, and the Pill. If their insurance covers contraception, the insurance must pay for it. If it does not and the woman in question is living below the federal poverty line, she will be given the contraception without charge.
Well, that surely shows just how easy it is for women everywhere to get free access to the pill! Just go to Harlem or the Bronx and get means tested!
4. This is all crap. NOBODY is annoyed with the Bishopy position on health insurance because they think you could scour Manhattan and never find condoms. (!) (It's such a weird fuccking premise.) We're annoyed because we have this crazy idea that if we pay into a healthcare insurance program, it should be up to us and our doctors how we pay for our healthcare.
5. But this was funny:
Indeed, there are so many condoms available in my Chelsea neighborhood that I’m beginning to wonder how I ever missed them.
I'm not.