Whiskey Fire Blog Enterprises, Ltd., fully supports the passage of SOPA, and indeed stands foursquare, which is, as is (hastily checking calculator accessory), at least two better than twosquare, behind SOPA, which is a law, of some kind, that we are vaguely aware promises to Destroy the Internet As We Know It.
Our reasons for this position are straightforward and compelling.
POINT THE FIRST. Maybe it will make people stop posting pictures of their fucking cats.
POINT THE SECOND. Your cat looks like everyone else's cat. It looks like a fucking cat.
That is all.
Also, we would point out that the sites that have "gone black" to protest SOPA will have a very hard go of it recovering their original content, because, as is well known (get ready to laugh here, folks, this is a Hot One), once you Go Black, you... CAN NEVER GO BACK.
We are reasonably sure that with a joke that classy, we could have won the GOP South Carolina Primary.
At any rate both myself, Thers (The Da), as well as every single contributor to Whiskey Fire, is totally in line with supporting SOPA, because if there is one thing Whiskey Fire is known for, it is IRON IDEOLOGICAL DISCIPLINE.
Anyway, we run a tight ship. Or we ship some tight pants. Whichever, we've done a better job supporting this shit than Chris Dodd. Send us fat checks.