Rick Santorum, who is an idiot, decided that he would tell the sort of morons who would vote for him something stupid.
The Des Moines Register reports from a Santorum campaign stop at the University of Northern Iowa, where he talked about education:
Discussing controversial classroom subjects such as evolution and global warming, Santorum said he has suggested that “science should get out of politics” and he is opposed to teaching that provides a “politically correct perspective.”
Here is a test. If you read this and think, "gosh. That is very peculiar" -- congratulations! You are not Ann Althouse!
TPM follows up with a cute Simpsons reference — "A prayer in a public school! God has no place within these walls, just like facts have no place within organized religion!" But what was Santorum really saying? "Science Should Get Out Of Politics" is the kind of provocative line that can work in a speech precisely because it has a bad interpretation. The listeners perk up, and the speaker proceeds to lead them to a very good interpretation. I'm sure there's a Greek name for that rhetorical device.
I'm likewise sure there is a Greek term for this sort of comical assplay, but damned if I can figure out just what it might be.
MAS. This from Althouse is even more fascinating. "That campaign is affecting web searches on his name that it's hard to Google for anything serious about Santorum."
The worst Dan Savage ever did for this tit is to give him one particular clown hat; the git was always going to embarrass himself uniquely somehow...