Wonkette just covered this breaking story of national import, but because I have a tag "the schaden freudes itself", I am compelled to recover it.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The sponsor of the law that made it legal to carry a gun into bars in Tennessee is facing charges of possession of a handgun while under the influence and drunken driving.
Rep. Curry Todd, a Collierville Republican, was pulled over in Nashville late Tuesday, according to court documents. Police said he failed a roadside sobriety test and refused to take a Breathalyzer test. A loaded .38-caliber gun was found in a holster stuffed between the driver's seat and center console.
A police affidavit said Todd was unsteady on his feet, "almost falling down at times." It concluded that Todd was "obviously very impaired and not in any condition to be carrying a loaded handgun."
Todd told officers that he had consumed two drinks when he was pulled over, according to the affidavit.
Todd asked a panel of prenatal health care officials if patients have to show proof of citizenship before getting state-funded help. The official replied that unborn children automatically become American citizens after birth.
Todd then remarked: "They can go out there like rats and multiply, then."
UPDATE: From mereoblivion in the Wonkette comments:
Attend the tale of Curry Todd
His face is flushed and he drives real odd
He packs his Wesson and zips through town
He'll get reelected next time around
(Posted by ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© and cross-posted at my place. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.)