Over at Red State Erick Erickson informs us that "I’m back on radio tonight for three hours live. I intend to kick off the show talking about the whorificiation of our kids at Halloween."
Which is pretty frickin' weird. By "our" kids he certainly doesn't mean mine. (11 Year Old: "I don't know, not a zombie, that's dull"; 7 Year Old: "Rapunzel"; 5 Year Old: "Ghost!" -- he's kicking it old school Peanuts style, wants just a sheet with cutout eyes & mouth.)
So I assume the Erick Son of Erick is going to discuss how he wants his kids to be whores for Halloween. Well, I don't judge. I also don't listen to his "radio show." Maybe he's going to just spout resentful gibberish! Who knows!
Elsewhere on Red State, we learn that Elizabeth Warren supports rape and heroin! The good news, or better news, or worse news, who knows, is, as a commenter informs us, that as Alinskyite as the Obama-brainchild OWS may be, "I don’t see suicide bombers an issue yet but small or large bombs is a possibility." So we're good.
In other exciting Red State news, Erick Erickson dislikes Mitt Romney because "he’s refused to call social security a ponzi scheme," which, if I were looking for a punchline or anything, would suffice.
I have as much interest in the GOP primary as I do in my lingering sinus headache, but if I were Romney, after killing myself on general principles, I'd just hang out and yell "I'm approximately normal!" over and over, and win, something he could probably pull off even if he did kill himself, which he may perhaps have already done in some creepy Mormony shitheaded way. Wanna get spooky? Suppose we live on the planet Mitt Romney was promised for wearing his underpants correctly all those years. Fucked up, yes. But, like, it would explain a lot, you know? Such as the existence of dingleberries, spyware, refined carbohydrates, Fox News, and, let's face it, Utah.