Glenn Reynolds, still bitter that in his first year at Hogwarts the Sorting Hat put him into Waffle House, points and laughs at what he believes is the "BEST ELIZABETH WARREN PARODY/RESPONSE YET."
Get ready to chuckle!
Reynolds explains that this "goes to the core problem. Are you the state’s property, or not?"
Which makes sense if you consider women and their bodies commodities to be exchanged, I guess. Or else if you're just some sort of garden-variety dipshit misogynist douche.
Goblinish twerp Rick Lazio got stomped by Hillary Clinton back in the day in part because he pulled shit like this and it backfired badly. Bets on whether Scott Brown's campaign is going to be able to resist going there? Or even if they do, that Greater Wingnuttia will be self-aware enough to stop indulging themselves in this fashion?
Seriously, bets? Anyone?
Women, and non-fuckfaces generally, and not only in Massachussetts, are likely to discern a totally different "core problem" here than the one Reynolds identifies. What a colossal douche he is. But, you know, let's not discourage him. I don't like to prognosticate, usually, but every attack on Warren in this vein is probably going to be worth at least a percentage point to her on election day, which means (doing rapid rough calculations) that she is likely to win by a 347% margin, give or take.