I didn't need to know this person's name.
I am curious however as to whether or not she has granite countertops in her kitchen.
If Weiner is a swine or not -- he may be. But the sheer joy taken in finding and punishing someone not at all in the public eye, and then dropping nukes on them, based upon circumstantial speculation, unweighed against anything resembling the public good except sheer partisan scalp-hunting, is creepy as hell.
I have no trouble myself with partisan scalp-hunting, but there's all sorts of lines here I wouldn't have crossed.
The American right started a war based on lies, and is currently lying about climate change. I find revolting their ideological goals and methods, and their bullshit about their bullshit defenses of their ideological goals and defenses. Other than that, the less I know about Vitter's or Giuliani's dicks, the happier I am.
The closeted gays who preen themselves on their homophobic credentials, and the family values bigamists, they have it coming, though.
But also still too Vitter Giuliani Edwards. I mean, please. MSM squawk MSM squawk.
MAS. I have not made the point adequately. I blame allergens. This is a better way to make my point -- playing off this:
Some people like to apply “Occam’s Razor” or some such test in such a situation, but I have a much easier test. I call it “Would your spouse buy it?”...
I'd say, also ask, should you divorce your spouse over it right away, and also give the FUCK YEAH to every screaming cretin with a grudge on the internets who wants to drill into the lives of possibly innocent individuals?
"Gosh, there may be more to this story" is not "HOLY SHIT LET'S GO APESHIT."
Silly Em Ess Emm...
My "test" would be "there appear to be human beings involved, can we not go apeshit, and actually confirm shit?"
That's why I get the big bucks.