The shocking news that Althouse detected someone on the Internets who doesn't like her or her husband (what was his name again? Kato? Mr. Belvedere? Chief? MCLEOD?) has caused transports of hysterical ecstatic peepantsing throughout Greater Wingnuttia.
Truly it is terrifying to be informed "we will throw baseballs on your fucking lawn"; I surely would not seek to minimize the Horror. After all, as Aaron Ernest Worthing, J. P., solemnly reminds us, such rhetoric is perfectly consonant with "Islamofascism," and as such not at all troubling, as Islamofascists suffer from "performance anxiety." But of course it is also extremely troubling, because Islamofascists are also thugs employed by teachers' unions to wantonly litter, and so forth.
Althouse herself preens from atop the plinth:
People, take a lesson from what you've seen on this blog in the last month. There have been 2 incidents of young men — relatively young men — writing on the internet, threatening me. If I post about it, even if I don't put their names in the post, but it comes out in the comments, anyone Googling their names is going to stumble into the ugly thing they wrote. Even if you have no human kindness at all and care only about yourself, how can a moment of passion be worth all the damage you do to your reputation? Do you think a potential employer who reads something like what we discussed here and here would consider hiring you?
"Well there, you seem a bright young fellow, welcome to the Serious Grownup Widget Corporation Young Man."
"Thank you sir!"
"Hold on a minute... Why, the Google machine tells me you once threatened to throw 'fucking baseballs' on Ann Althouse's lawn!"
"Sir, I can explain!"
"No, no, I'm sorry, but the Serious Grownup Widget Corporation cannot afford to be linked with Islamofascism. Besides, what other crazy shit might you come up with next -- you're just loony enough to think onion rings are vaginas and the letter D is a penis! SECURITY!"