Michelle Malkin, on Gov. Walker getting played by the Buffalo Beast:
Will all those who condemned serious undercover investigations by the Right condemn the sensational buffoonery of the Left?
Sometimes, you just have to admire how even after all these years, they can still uncork something of such pristine hardcore unalloyed tit-buggered lunacy that it just takes your breath away in wonderstruck awe.
(Walker really is out to bust unions out of ideological zealotry -- i.e. the bit about Reagan firing the air traffic controllers leading to the fall of the Berlin Wall, which is some pretty prime wingnuttery. Planned Parenthood really is not in the business of abetting child sex trafficking, a problem that is anyway largely imaginary, not that that much bothers the jihadists, who include John Boehner and Sr. KJ Lopez, Mother Superior, Order of Our Lady of the Soggy Biscuit.
But you knew that.)