Not as dense as Chuck Norris or Pat Boone, but even less known, a guy from Sha Na Na has typed furiously in hisat PJs Media. Let's get some show bidness insider insight from ... from, um, oh — Donny York!
We've no more idea than you if D.Y. is in this shot. |
Call and response does energize a crowd. Obama wasn’t the first to deploy it, only the first to deploy it with such momentous success. In the unknown future of our constitutional republic, call n’ response is as here to stay as rock n’ roll. Crowds still matter, even in the cyberspace age. Acting together physically is still how the homo sapiens do it, and any ruling class of the species still takes heed.
The method of call and response and of group chanting or singing may be powerful, even dignified, as in “We Shall Overcome.” Or may be lame, even embarrassing, as in “Whadya want?”… “When d’ya want it?” and the like. People participating in call and response or in sing-along reveal things about their character: Faith? Anxiousness? Selfishness? Opportunism?Alright, dig at Obama; not a racist though (referred to "We Shall Overcome"); used the inane "ruling class" thing they want to make a "meme" of. Then: What? Reread, same question: Huh? About to lose me, but there's a cartoon. To save you the agony of clicking, I'll post it here. WARNING: "Donny York, one of the founders of ShaNaNa, has gotten the fever and rewritten the oldie "Bread and Butter" for today's tea party movement." Also: York claims that Pat Boone sings on it! (Did not know that when I name-checked P.B. above.) And (final warning): It's pretty damn loud, workers beware! And more half-baked babble. Further reading indicates this guy is about as simple as Mr. Norris, but short on the specific paranoia. Heavy on the Rand though. Dirty, filthy fucking hippies! Wake up & smell the coffee & cigarettes!!
Hasn’t it ever dawned on you that our “peace” and Yasgur’s Farm demonstration of the viability of socialism were dependent on a life-support umbilical cord from the Nixon era capitalist grown-ups?
Didn’t you ever come to notice how the robust creation of wealth must be assured before any conversation about its redistribution can even be useful?
To those of my Woodstock cohort who are now aghast at the “tea party” (which more assuredly has “changed the world” than it’s said our misadventure at Yasgur’s farm did) I return that stunned glare, then the sputter: “But… I thought you were smart. I thought you were a nice person!” Being a nice person aligns with being in the fight for the nicest societal arrangement, among all of human history’s rarest gems: limited government.
Like, dig it, man. Some of today’s teapartyers are grown up flower children. Imagine there’s no statism. It’s easy if you try. They may say you’re a dreamer. But you’re not the only one.
A co-founder and lifelong member of ShaNaNa, Donny York took his political science degree in 1971 from Columbia University, under the same faculty that graduated Eric Holder in 1973 and Barack Obama in 1983. Inquirers may obtain his detailed student transcript from the Registrar’s office.Why look, another subtle Obama dig. The very same faculty! And central to the point of liberal indoctrination in those ivied halls of yada, innit?
Most people become infatuated w/ Rand in adolescence & grow out of it. Is Donny's dedication to the imagined past causing him to live backward through time? A veritable Merlin.
M. Bouffant again.