This is the point I want to make: Biblical precepts are often twisted by liberals to support socialism. Jesus was not a socialist. On the contrary, he explicitly disclaimed any political agenda.
He is roused to explain Galt God to the idiots who take his crap seriously because Obama spoke heresy worser than Catharism.
"So I came to my Christian faith later in life, and it was because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead — being my brothers' and sisters' keeper, treating others as they would treat me," he continued.
Assrocket, who is inferior to Thomas Aquinas only in the categories of being stupid and not being dead, points out the Errors here.
Obama's answer causes one to suspect that he would be among those who, as in the Pew poll that is also in the news today, would have trouble answering basic questions about his own religion. The Golden Rule is a fine idea, but it is not a principle of Christianity. Nor did Jesus ever say that we should be our brothers' and sisters' keepers; Obama apparently referred to the story of Cain and Abel....
the moral of the story in Genesis is not that we are, or should be, our brothers' keepers. Rather, the phrase comes from Cain's answer when God asks him the whereabouts of his brother Abel, whom Cain has just killed. Cain denies any knowledge, and adds the self-exculpatory question, "Am I my brother's keeper?" The point of the story is not that Cain was responsible for looking after Abel, like an Old Testament Nancy Pelosi. Cain was condemned not for failing to keep watch over his brother, but for killing him.
Barack Obama is hardly the only liberal who misapplies scripture to support liberal politics, but his answer today provides a useful opportunity to set the record straight.
Very clever. I'm not myself religious, for which I think the Jesuits, sincerely. But whatever. If you ignore the theological nitpicking, playing along at home, what Assrocket has just said, explicitly, is two things:
--The Golden Rule ("do unto others as you would like done unto you, or just stop being a jerk") is ANTI-CHRISTIAN and SOCIALIST, and:
-- The notion that you are responsible for the welfare of others is ANTI-CHRISTIAN and SOCIALIST.
To which it might replied "let's hear it for anti-Christian socialism." Or else, "damn, at least Ayn Rand had the intellectual integrity to not pretend to be religious, congratulations, 21st century American Right, you are more morally and intellectually debased than Ayn Rand, uh... huzzah?"
Which is hardly news, but it's always entertaining to see Assrocket attempting to "think" in public.