An exhaustive right-blogospheric investigation has revealed the shocking fact that most people think Sarah Palin talks absolute crap.
The updates here are fantastically entertaining, particularly the demands that the evildoers who had the temerity to call an idiot an idiot be identified and punished. Perhaps they might be forced to watch the speech again. That'll learn 'em!
Kevin has video. Warning: incoherence-levels not safe for work, home, sleep, or transit. Drink insensible before viewing.
And for connoisseurs of the well-turned wingnut sentence:
Those two new-media woman warriors and a handful of nightowls (see below) were witness in the wee hours to a Weigel-like revelation as unidentified "newsmen" covering Sarah Palin's controversial California State University Stanislaus speech felt free to spew the Palin's-a-Pinhead party line into the ether when they didn't realize the microphone was still on.
Illiteration, I believe, is the term.