Walter Russell Mead is an idiot. In regards to Walter Russell Mead, why does anyone pretend he's smart? Here he is, talking shit like an idiot:
Volcanoes blast; glaciers melt; economies implode; currencies nose dive and voters revolt. It is the worst of worlds for the climate change movement, and the outlook continues to darken.
"Five bad things are happening, only one of them immediately related to human-caused climate change! Stupid hippies you are stupid!"
None of this dimmed the glory of the majestic moment in Amsterdam yesterday as the part-time IPCC chair and part-time sleazy book author Rajendra Pachauri emerged from the seclusion in which he has unwillingly been lurking since international outrage over some high profile and amateurish errors at the IPCC and his vituperative and vindictive attacks on quite justified critics made him an international laughingstock at the beginning of the year.
The "sleazy book author" thing in regards to Pachauri is a ludicrous smear. Observe that the ultimate source for the smear goes after Pachauri for being too close to bigtime polluting corporations. Which is pretty excellent evidence that they're just flinging any bullshit they can grab -- "Just hate the fellow, already!"
Walter Russell Mead is eager to participate in a widespread attempt to besmirch an author and scientist based upon secondhand, obviously biased accounts of a book he clearly has not read.
Walter Russell Mead is a revolting specimen. You don't need by the way any scientific expertise to know he's dishonest; all you need to do is read the fucking novel he couldn't be bothered to crack open before he blithely called someone a pervert.
And my god is he full of shit about the IPCC...