Exciting Maximum News from NewsMax!
Applicants for the Oval Office in 2012 already have begun lining up, just one year into President Obama's term....
Among the possible candidates is Coast to Coast AM radio talk-show host George Noory, who told WND right away that there would be no questions about his eligibility as there are about Obama's qualifications under the Constitution's requirement that a president be a "natural born citizen."
One notes that while the Constitution makes clear that the President must be a natural born citizen of the United States, nowhere does it specify that the "United States" in question needs to have been made corporeal in any particular dimensional reality. This is obviously the loophole that Noory intends to ooze through, ectoplasmically speaking.
UPDATE. It occurs to me that if we're going to objectively calculate the odds of GOP contenders being quasi-sentient extra-dimensional space-entities of malevolent or at least deeply confused intent, to be fair, Noory is pretty far down the list, which I estimate thusly:
GOP Contender Odds of Extra-Dimensional Origin
Romney (Probable; no bet)
Huckabee 2-1
Jindal 5-3
Pawlenty 5-4
Gingrich 17-1
Noory 9-2*
Giuliani 22-3
(*Using the standard Galactic Dollar/Quatloo Conversion rate)
Sarah Palin, unfortunately, is all too obviously, even grotesquely, human. We have nobody to blame for her but ourselves.