by va
Shorter Andrew Breitbart,
BigJournalism: As you can tell from these tweets, David Shuster did not treat James O'Keefe objectively. James does not stand
accused of infiltrating the office of a sitting Senator to wiretap her
phone--he infiltrated the office and committed a different felony entirely. Also, LOUD NOISES.
Shorter Robert Ferrigno (writing as Bo Obama), also BigJournalism: Get it? I'm a wingnut who infiltrated the White House and I'M A FUCKING DOG!!
Proceed below with caution.
Robert Ferrigno (writing as Bo Obama): Esteemed Gentlemen of the
Academy! You show me the honor of calling me to submit a report on my
contribution to the cause of wingnuttery as a dog who has infiltrated the White House.
There is no end to my perfidy, my malfeasance, my feats of derring-do;
vengeance is ours, minus James O'Keefe, who's in custody! Four words, Gentlemen: Henry Louis Gates, Jr. You
see precisely what I mean. Secondly! If I may quote a secret cable I
recently dispatched:
I was the one who got the President to hand over the Christmas Bomber to Eric Holder, so they could tuck him into a comfy bed with the Bill of Rights wrapped around him.
That is correct, esteemed members! I, Bo the dog, am solely responsible for the administration's grievous adherence to the law!!1!arf?!!! They shall pay dearly for that indeed! Bwa-ha. Bwa-ha-ha-ha. Poop.