I am not anything like a Constitutional fundamentalist; in fact, I rather think the American Constitution, in a word, sucks. And I'm not unaware of the need to get us some sort of healthcare something something.
But not for nothing, there is a reason the different branches of government are, well, different branches, and there is a reason there are divisions within these branches. Checks and balances!
This is healthy.
The third-ranking House Democrat said Monday the Senate thinks of
itself as a "House of Lords" that happens to be out of touch with
Majority Whip James Clyburn's (D-S.C.) remarks are one of
the most significant public shots taken at the Senate by a Democratic
leader since healthcare negotiations between the two chambers stalled.
"[Senators] tend to
see themselves as a House of Lords and they don't seem to understand
that those of us that go out there every two years stay in touch with
the American people," he said in an interview with Fox News Radio. "We
tend to respond to them a little better."
Beg parsnips, but why shouldn't the House and the Senate be squabbling? Isn't this something built into the original design?
During the last administration the GOP exercised intense party discipline across the different branches. Please recall that this was in terms of actual results for the nation a total catastrophe.
And remember that the Senate is by all accounts an incredible problem, a disgrace, an impediment to good government, or even mediocre government, and that the bill they produced through their August Deliberations is an absolute stinker.
I'm not following why it should be wrong for the House to refuse to swallow a bad Senate bill without fighting. Again, when the GOP had the House, Senate, and White House, and exercised party discipline over allegiance to everything else, this was bad. It's one of the reasons we're so screwed.
The Senate is a stupid idea, but "party discipline" across all branches is not very bright either. The idea that the House should roll over for the Senate because of a single special election result is just unsound.
MORE. The "freeze" idea is crazy. Why not just have voted McCain?