It is ingenious, the obscure grievances the American Right can unearth when they wish to find themselves Oppressed.
That’s right — a T-shirt calling Harvard men “sissies” proved too offensive for Yale students and administrators, who seem to have somehow come by the impression that a college football game is an occasion for behavioral civility that the rest of us would reserve for a funeral. One student, who would clearly be beside himself were he to attend a Philadelphia Flyers game, pointed out that the word “sissies” was “offensive” and “demeaning,” and added that he considered the word to be a “thinly veiled anti-gay slur"....
This episode demonstrates once again, if such a demonstration is necessary, the wisdom of the American legal tradition that whether expression is “offensive” cannot be conditioned on the feelings of the most sensitive member of the audience. To abandon that tradition is to tie yourself up in knots, constantly weighing words to ensure that no fragment of your audience, no matter how small, could ever take offense to what is being said. Our universities cannot thrive or even survive in such an environment — and neither can our free society.
Oh, fuck off. American higher education may just "survive" certain Yale students not wanting to have a particular word on a fucking T-Shirt. Get a fucking grip. "Our free society" does not in fact depend upon anyone's imaginary right to use a particular epithet without anyone else getting annoyed over it and saying the institution to which they belong ought not to endorse that epithet. Quite the opposite, actually.
And besides, what if these atheistic Ivy League swine, for instance, had decided to call Harvard men "Jesus Lovers" as an insult, as I understand such Godless Elitists are wont to do? They hate Jesus up there, and all sorts of Jeus lovers! Perhaps then the sissy would be on the other savior, or something.
Enjoy the comments over there, too.
Oh, and yes, I am aware of this. Later.