Like most people in the country who knew there were elections today, which most people in the country didn't, I've been following tonight's election results with intense interest.
As a pinko, I am sad! I'm bitterly crushed that Jim Corzine lost, as he really was crucially poised to seize the world-historical moment & establish the New Jersey Dictatorship of the Proletariat, with soviets springing up from Weehawken to Passaic... and beyond.
It's also a shame that an equally way-out-there left-wing extremist, Dede Scozzafava, got headfirst dunked by the teabaggers -- I guess she realized she was headed for a similar fate as her identical ideological soulmate, Rosa Luxemburg, and just called it a day. And who can blame her, once Glenn Beck gets involved? But fortunately Bill Owens, the world-historical victor, is ideologically sound, and will be a loyal comrade in the struggle to crush the industrialist parasites, as Obama Husseinovich commands. And even if he isn't we can always exile him to Siberia. Or Plattsburgh, where there's less to do and the weather's less balmy.
Anyhow it's always been clear and not at all crazy that ACORN dominates the upstate New York Republican party and has done so since, uh, Joseph of Arimathea founded the Knights Templar somewhere just outside Keeseville in order to mandate the flouridization of municipal water supplies. Those crafty fuckers.
It's all very confusing, but fortunately while everyone else is losing their heads Erick Erickson is able to find his ass, or perhaps his elbow, or possibly Shinola:
The race has now been called for Democrat Bill Owens.
This is a huge win for conservatives.
“Whaaaa. . . ?” you say.
Heh. I was actually making a fart noise.
There are two big victories at work in New York’s 23rd Congressional District.
Like, besides the one for the Democratic candidate in the official election?
First, the GOP now must recognize it will either lose without conservatives or will win with conservatives.
But didn't the GOP just lose with conservatives...?
In 2008, many conservatives sat home instead of voting for John McCain. Now, in NY-23, conservatives rallied and destroyed the Republican candidate the establishment chose.
I have said all along that the goal of activists must be to defeat Scozzafava. Doug Hoffman winning would just be gravy. A Hoffman win is not in the cards, but we did exactly what we set out to do — crush the establishment backed GOP candidate.
And make no mistake, despite the Beltway spin, we know for certain based on statements from the local Republican parties, that they chose Scozzafava based on advice from the Washington crowd.
So the point is that the until the national GOP stops supporting moderates who can win in moderate districts by being moderate, Erick Erickson will make these moderates lose by supporting a crazy extremist who's probably going to lose. Erick Erickson is the guy with no hair or eyebrows who has yet to learn why when you employ scorched-earth tactics, the classical advice is to not then stand around picking your nose in the middle of the cornfield.
So we have demonstrated to the GOP that it must not take conservatives for granted.
We are assholes, hear us poop.
The GOP spent $900,000.00 on a Republican who dropped out and endorsed the Democrat.
"I borrowed your Lexus and drove it into the Gowanus Canal. You're such a dork. You really need to give me the keys to all your other cars, and your house, fuckface."
Were we to combine Scozzafava and Hoffman’s votes, Hoffman would have won.
Were you to have shut the fuck up, a GOP district since the Civil War would still be represented by a Republican.
Secondly, and just as importantly, there has all of a sudden been a huge movement among some activists to go the third party route. We see in NY-23 that this is not possible as third parties are not viable.
Uh... Erickson does not understand New York politics at all. To call an NY party like the Conservative Party, or the Working Families Party for that matter, a "third party," is just wrong. It actually strikes me that a failure to understand the basics of the NY system is responsible for a lot of the weird stuff that has been said and done about this race. Fortunately I'm too tired to explain this, or I'd feel obligated to do so. But this single comment from the Son of Erick is, well, telling. Political movements fail when they can't account for local realities, and when political movements are run by people as dumb as Erickson, this problem is only exacerbated (look it up, Erick, I know it's a hard word).
For all intents and purposes, NY-23 is a trial run for Florida. And in Florida, the conservative candidate is operating inside the GOP. If John Cornyn and the NRSC do not want to see Florida go the way of NY-23, they better stand down.
John Cornyn vs. Erick Erickson in a battle of the crazies in the Sunshine State! I know who I'm rooting for (and who I'd bet against, for that matter).
Maybe it's time to rechristen the term "scorched earth politics" to "douched earth politics." And here you thought Erick Erickson could not be innovative. Sucks to be you!