Hugo Chavez's poodle, Barry Obama, coldly employs Chicago-style politics in [*enter outrage du jour here* HONDURAS] as he cowardly appeases America's enemies and stabs our friends in the back. Yet another foreign policy disaster for the One, like when he bowed to the Emperor of Saudi Arabia, gave the Queen of England porno DVDs, and grabbed Santa's crotch on live teevee. Wonder what his TELEPROMPTER thinks! LOL! Gateway has more as does Fausta, Allah, and that douche over at Cornell.
Seriously, as an Intellectually Honest Liberal, even I can say it was Very Wrong for Obama to crush the democratically elected government of Honduras with an armed invasion, nuclear strikes, and economic sanctions, and then turn the country over to the harsh tyranny of Hugo Chavez's jackbooted thugs, who had all the leaders of the so-called "coup" shot, and then all the rich people in Honduras stripped of their worldly possessions, doused with honey, and devoured by fire ants.
Because that''s, like, what happened? I haven't been paying close attention to the goings-on in this particular Fruit-hatted Lesser American nation, but skimming the right-wing reaction, it sure sounds like it!