One of the genuine problems the right wing has going forward that the Conservative Movement ought to contemplate, but won't, is that the people spearheading their resurgence are stupid assholes. Erick Son of Erick, for instance, is about as intelligent as a fucking dirt-clod, and that's all he anyhow has to throw.
Here the Son of Erick burbles about how Liberal Bloggers were Very Silly for going after Joe Lieberman in a primary.
Thank you lefty bloggers so very much for primarying Joe Lieberman and helping him be bold enough to shaft you.
The reason Joe Lieberman got targeted in a primary is that he's not now and has never ever been a reliable liberal vote on anything that matters to us. In other words, he got targeted because he had, and has, a very clear tendency to support the Other Side whenever it comes to anything important.
But whatever. Debate the wisdom of a certain move by the Left Base, if you will. But don't so it while you're waging a fucking jihad against GOP Moderates, lest ye look look like at best a crowlin ferlie, and at worst a shithead. (That last link is et passim, of course. It also shows a rather spectacular ignorance of NY state politics.)
It is also worth pointing out that one of the key differences between the Left Base and the Right Base is that the Left Base isn't barking loony. On healthcare, it really is true that every other Western Democracy has tons more governmental involvement in doctoring than the US does, and yet none of these countries are run by Totalitarian Despots. Norway and Blade Runner are different. Norway has better healthcare. Even Scotland is no dystopia! The Left Base admits this; the Right Base squeals "socialism" and pees themselves.
And then there is this. I've been trying to cope with the awesome idiocy involved in Erick Erickson trying to explicate a Great Book written by Jonah Goldberg... it wearies the soul.
As you may know, RedState has started a Great Books style program.
We are rather slowly making our way through a series of books on
conservative thought and ideas. We have started with Jonah Goldberg’s
Liberal Fascism.
When Jonah Goldberg's Great Ideas are going too fast for you, shoot yourself.
“Contrary to his relentless assertions in Mein Kampf,
Hitler had no great foundational ideas or ideological system. His
genius lay in the realization that people wanted to rally to ideas and
symbols. . . . Time and again in Mein Kampf, Hitler makes it
clear that he believed his greatest gift to the party wasn’t his ideas
but his ability to speak,” Goldberg writes. I’m reminded of that story
Harry Reid tells about Obama where Obama said he, Obama, had a gift. “A
real gift, Harry,” he said. It was oration.
This is not to make an Obama=Hitler comparison.
Yes it is. That's why you made it.
It is just to note that like most good demagogues, Hitler and Obama
both know the public is more interested in the silver tongue and the
Greco-Roman columns as a backdrop than they are in the substantive
policy positions.
So Hitler = Obama. Reagan knew "this" too, but let's not mention him. Or any other fucking politician ever. Ha ha! You are eloquent and have stagecraft! You know that most people are not conversant with intricate policy issues like tariffs and such! JUST LIKE HITLER!
That, perhaps, more than anything is the take away from Chapter 2 of Liberal Fascism.
Hitler stood for nothing except hatred of the Jews. He was happy to do
or say anything to get elected so long as it meant extermination of the
Jews and a bolstering of the Germany self.
Lebensraum? Crushing Weimar parliamentary democracy? Rearmament? Reoccupation of the Ruhr? Repudiating Versailles? "The Germany self"? Is Erick Erickson really this baby-brained?
What is also worth nothing is that contrary to left-wing myth about
corporatism and the Nazis, derived in part because of the rivalry
between communism and nazism, when the Nazis did put out public policy
positions, they were right out of the progressive left.
The Social Democrats always wanted to put forward the Nuremberg laws, then, but never got around to it in the 1920s? The Social Democrats wanted to deep-six parliamentary democracy in exchange for the Leadership Principle? The Social Democrats were the prime movers in favor of expropriating Jewish businesses and firing Jewish professors? It was the "progressive left" in Germany in the 1920s that let Hitler out of prison after attempting what was clearly armed treason?
Erick Erickson is pig-ignorant. So is Jonah Goldberg, for that matter. But Erickson is even dumber, Lord Preserve Us:
Jonah does a great job showing that Nazism was distinct from
Mussolini’s Fascism and where Mussolini derived much of his platform
from his own thinking, Hitler built on existing ideas and, frankly,
used leftwing ideas more for filler so he wasn’t just campaigning on
the extermination of Jews.
Even accepting the "logic" here, the fact that Hitler never really believed any of that left wing hooey is supposed to be evidence that Hitler was a Man of the Left...? How does that work?
Oh but what am I even saying. Erick Erickson and Jonah Goldberg are very, very stupid people. Gah! Gah! Gah!
You know I find this a little disconcerting. First Obama goes into all this gay rights crap that nobody cares about, and now Reid introduces the Public Option? Most of us don't want to see socialized medicine. Now I voted for Obama last time, but if the Democrats succeed in socializing medicine, or even try to do so, I will NOT be voting for him or any other Democrat next time around. Just my two cents.