I swear to god. Dan Riehl:
Yes, I activated Infolinks last night to see what it was like. No, I'm not thrilled about it myself, is my initial reaction to seeing them. I was thinking I might make my story links more clear, but it's only the first day. The first thing this morning some self-professed loyal readers who say they love the blog and read it every day are threatening to leave. I can appreciate that.
Unfortunately, I must also note that back on July 8th I noted that it was my birthday and, if anyone wanted, they could always hit the tip jar. The sum total of that haul was $0.
For small and medium size blogs, I doubt Infolinks will generate significant money. The various ad programs don't, though I certainly can't complain, either. But then, it isn't as though I'm trying to make a living off of just this blog out here.
Highlighted: "Unfortunately, I must also note that back on July 8th I noted that it was my birthday and, if anyone wanted, they could always hit the tip jar. The sum total of that haul was $0."
I may never stop laughing.