Noted surname pronunciation expert Mark Krikorian, in the process of discovering that bison farts can be included in the long list of things he doesn't remotely understand, informs us that while he himself finds hippie meat quite succulent, he doesn't want any such mouthwatering flesh shoved down his throat, presumably repeatedly:
Clearly, therefore, Krikorian voted in the national referendum where we all decided to eat meat from animals themselves fed an unnatural diet. Fascinating. I don't myself recall this particular referendum, and I can find no reference to it on Wikipedia. Oddly enough Krikorian doesn't seem to have himself been aware of what exactly he was voting for either, since he didn't even know an absurdly elementary alimentary fact about the flesh he "chooses" to consume.
Bizarre. It's like he doesn't even know that he hasn't been a fully Rational Actor in regards to some pretty fundamental economic decisions. But how can that be? Haven't the Great Leaps Forward in our Glorious Free Market system invested us all with untrammeled, majestic, Galtian Personal Agency? Freakshow.
Anyway it sure is a good thing that the democratically elected representatives of the people are having such a hard time getting basic food safety bills passed due to the heroic actions of the free-choice-loving neo-Galtian forces of the American food industry, because if it were at all otherwise the case, like, you know, we'd be living under a despotic dyspeptic dystopic tyranny. Eek the horror.
Note that "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 76 million cases of food-borne disease occur annually in the United States, with an estimated 325,000 requiring hospitalization." On the other hand you'll note that John Galt never got sick from eating bad clams. So it balances out!